Saturday, November 19, 2011

And they all sacked out.

Tonight, a Saturday, by 9:30pm everyone in my house (except me, of course) was asleep. I am usually Queen of letting my kiddos get off schedule on the weekend. I guess so far this weekend they have had too much fun and need some beauty rest. :)

Regardless of my exhaustion level, I cannot physically (and sometimes not even medication induced) go to sleep for the night before 11pm or so, and I say 11pm optimistically, some hellish nights its like 2am. When I have unsuccessfully tried going to bed when my kids do, I end up waking up around midnight with my body wanting a second wind at the day. It is incredibly frustrating.

In talking with other women in a similar position in life (late 20's to mid 30's, married a couple of kids, etc) I am finding that I am not alone. I am glad I am not an anomaly and that other people are sharing a similar misery. But of course, being of I am, it makes me bed the question "why?" Why if we do so much, think so much, manage so much, and have their weight of the world on our shoulders everyday can we not fall down in exhaustion into a blissful slumber the very first moment the opportunity arises? Why are our bodies fighting us?

I think it comes down to the whole being everything to everyone phenomena. Our minds don't shut down. While we have been being everything, and doing everything for everyone all day we haven't had time to think for ourselves (I don't mean opinions, etc. I mean, think about things that only pertain to us as individuals), be ourselves, or just enjoy being who we are. Once we have no one to worry about, I think a euphoric calm rushes over us and our bodies don't want to let that time go.

This is equally frustrating because I can lay down any afternoon of the week (if I have the chance, the opportunity is rare, rare, rare!) and catch a snooze of an hour or two with no problem, regardless of exhaustion level. I just wish I could do that around 9:30pm on the random Tuesday.

The beautiful girl pictured above usually stays up and keeps me company. Not so much luck tonight, she is snoring almost as loud as my hubby by my feet.

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