Friday, November 11, 2011

And the frenzy begins...

Here is is the second week of November and the holiday frenzy is already beginning. I noticed a local Christmas Tree vendor is already setting up their stand. Last night I was driving Hannah home from dance class. It was 6ish on a Thursday night and the traffic as I passed by the retailers in our town was noticably heavier. Our wait at the few stoplights we encountered we much longer. I looked over to the parking lot of the two big box store complexes we passed and the lots were full. Parking was scarce. It was unsettling and a bit ridiculous. I am pretty close to just opting out of the madness. If it weren't for Amazon and the goodness that is Amazon Prime I would be more than pretty close; I would be over the edge.

What is most daunting to me is the post Christmas morning clean-up. It is the moment when you look at your living room, strewn with wrapping paper and new treasures. I am going to go out on a limb that most won't venture and say the look on my child's face when they open present after present isn't worth it. My girls are 4 and 7. Socks! A hoodie! Jeans! Organizing Bins! Underoos! The things people buy their kid's for Christmas because their kids 'need' them, just aren't that exciting to kids. I have adopted a new philosophy. Rather, than 'wait' for Christmas, I am buying my girls the things they need and or want as it is warranted.

For example, Hannah's pants are looking a bit too much like she is heeding a flood warning. This weekend I am going to buy her new pants. Typically, one may say "Well, Christmas is only six weeks away. The pants can wait for Christmas." But, why? The kid could use pants now. It just seems silly to buy them, store them, wrap them; all so she can have another present to open on that anticipated morning. Damnit, the kid needs pants now, as her mother I will provide them for her now and not partake in the silliness of holding her trousers hostage in the name of Christmas!

My new plan is to surprise my girls with a couple of items they REALLY want. By couple, I mean 2 or 3. I may go to 4 if I am feeling really out of control! I don't care if my tree looks bare underneath and there is not an abundance of socks, underoos, and 'filler' presents underneath. Come Christmas morning, I am going to have less mess to clean up, my house won't look like a Christmas bomb went off, and my girls will really and truly love each gift from my husband and I. Santa may succumb and have to rely and "fillers" for stockings. However, if I come up for a way for Santa to not have to... Believe, me- he won't.

I am taking a lesson from my 7-year old. Her Christmas list for Santa said, she would really like an iPad, but she knew they were $500 and that is a lot of money. If she doesn't get one that is okay because Christmas is really about being able to see all her family and spend time with them.

How is it that as adults we lose sight of that so easily? We are easily wooed and swayed by the promise of 'amazing' deals, bombardment of advertisement, and (gasp!) discounted electronics. Yet, a child can keep it all in perspective.

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